What should I know about drowsy driving?



Getting as much rest as you can before heading out on a long drive is something that should be routine for all drivers. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always work that way. Drowsy drivers pose a risk to everyone on the road, so it is imperative that all drivers avoid this dangerous behavior.

There are several things that you should know about drowsy driving. This is important for all drivers and everyone else who is on the road. Each of these points might come into the picture if there is an accident.

First, getting enough sleep is imperative. Drivers who get less than eight hours of sleep before getting behind the wheel are at an increased risk of being in an accident. The risk increases even more for drivers who get less than six hours of sleep.

Second, drivers should make sure that they are using appropriate methods to stay awake. This means that they aren’t relying solely on energy drinks, sugar and caffeine to stay awake. Instead, stopping to get fresh air and eating high protein foods are usually more effective ways of staying awake.

Third, try to get on the road only during hours you would normally be awake. The vast majority of drowsy driving accidents occur from midnight to 6:00 a.m., or in the late afternoon hours.

If you are injured in an accident, there are several things that investigators might consider. While the clues they look for won’t provide conclusive evidence about whether the driver who struck you was drowsy or not, these clues might prove useful in your claim for compensation.

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “Drowsy Driving,” accessed Aug. 17, 2017