The news of the school bus crash in Chattanooga shocked the nation. Learning that elementary school students died while on a vehicle that is often touted as being safer than a passenger vehicle was harrowing. The crash sent dozens of children to the hospital, killed at least five children and led to the driver being arrested.
There are a lot of things that are known about the accident, but there are still many questions present. One thing that authorities have noted is that the bus was speeding. The speed limit in the area where the crash occurred is 30 mph. Other than that, there is little known about what led to the accident.
It is known that the bus, which wasn’t on its designated route, left the roadway, struck a mailbox, hit a telephone pole and slammed into a tree. The bus rolled over and split apart during the accident. Investigators are looking into information gathered at the scene, as well as from three cameras and an informational box that was on the bus. They are having some difficulties with the cameras and box because of damage that was done during the accident.
The driver in this crash was arrested and faces charges for reckless driving, reckless endangerment and five counts of vehicular homicide. There weren’t any traces of drugs or alcohol in his blood. He’s only had his commercial driver’s license since April of this year.
For the parents who lost children and those who are watching their children suffer because of this accident, the days ahead will be difficult. They will likely suffer from mental, emotional and financial trauma.
Anyone who loses a loved one at the hands of another person and those who are injured in an accident caused by another person might choose to seek compensation. This could help to provide them with some closure.
Source: CNN, “Chattanooga bus crash: What we know — and don’t know,” Madison Park, Nov. 23, 2016