Latest Blog Posts

  • Woman’s car smashed by tanker truck rollover

    Semi trucks pose very serious risks to the people who drive around them. These vehicles are very large and very heavy, which can prove devastating if they are involved in an accident with a smaller passenger vehicle. This was recently highlighted when a tanker truck rolled over on a sedan. It is unclear exactly how…

  • Special needs children have special considerations in divorce

    Children who have special needs because of a disability or medical condition rely on structure and certain things to live life. When a special needs child’s parents divorce, the fact that the child does have these extraordinary needs can pose a unique challenge in the child custody agreement. If you are facing a divorce and…

  • Think about what your child needs as you deal with child custody

    In our previous blog post, we discussed a new development in Tennessee that will allow people who have children to file for an uncontested divorce. If you recall, you can’t have real property and you must work through the custody-related issues together. Even when you think about having to work with your ex, you might…

  • Uncontested divorce with children possible in certain cases

    Starting this year, people who are getting a divorce in Tennessee won’t have to file for a contested divorce. Instead, they will have the option to filing for an uncontested divorce, which is often a faster resolution to end the marriage, if their circumstances meet certain requirements. This development could help to save time and…

  • What should and shouldn’t I do during a divorce?

    You are adult and are entitled to do what you feel you need to do, as long as those actions are within the boundaries of the law. When you are going through a divorce, this is still your right. It might not be the best thing for you to do. Be sure that you think…

  • How to avoid cellphone distraction while driving

    There are numerous sources of driver distractions, but one of big concern in this age of electronic devices is cellphone usage. Almost every state has banned texting while driving, including Tennessee, and some also forbid all use of handheld cellphones. Tennessee may soon join the latter group, reports the Chattanooga Times Free Press, as the House…

  • Find out your options for seeking compensation after a crash

    Car crashes are life changing events that you can’t control. In our previous blog post, we discussed what you should do after a car accident. That information is a good starting point if you find yourself in that situation. We know how scary it is. Once you have gotten the medical care that you need…

  • Make a game plan for what you will do after a crash

    Your nerves are likely to be rattled when you are involved in a car accident. This can make it difficult to remember what you should or shouldn’t do after the accident. Because of this, it is best to take a few minutes to refresh your mind about what you should do if you are in…

  • Several factors impact a child custody decision

    Child custody matters are very serious because the decisions that are made impact the manner in which a child is reared. If it is left to the court to determine child custody issues, instead of the parents coming to an agreement, there are very specific things that the court will consider. Ultimately, the court must…

  • Understand child custody orders to avoid problems

    Having to have your child split his or her time between you and your ex is probably something that you don’t want to think about. Most parents want to spend as much time as they can with their children. In the case of parents with a child custody order, following the order is important. If…

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